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Chapter III

Making my way over to Frost Tower, I'm met with a frozen door! Not good for business if nobody can even get inside! My objective reads:


Turn up the heat to defrost the entrance to Frost Tower. Click on the Items tab in your badge to find a link to the Wifi Dongle's CLI interface. Talk to Greasy Gopherguts outside the tower for tips.

Frozen Door

Since it first asks me to go to Greasy Gopherguts for help, I go visit him.

Grepping for Gold

Greasy Gopherguts

Greasy Gopherguts

Grnph. Blach! Phlegm.

I'm Greasy Gopherguts. I need help with parsing some Nmap output.

If you help me find some results, I'll give you some hints about Wi-Fi.

Click on the terminal next to me and read the instructions.

Maybe search for a cheat sheet if the hints in the terminal don't do it for ya'.

You'll type quizme in the terminal and grep through the Nmap bigscan.gnmap file to find answers.

Time to complete the Grepping for Gold Terminal Challenge!

Upon completing that, Greasy has more to say:

Greasy Gohperguts

Grack. Ungh. ... Oh!

You really did it?

Well, OK then. Here's what I know about the wifi here.

Scanning for Wi-Fi networks with iwlist will be location-dependent. You may need to move around the North Pole and keep scanning to identify a Wi-Fi network.

Wireless in Linux is supported by many tools, but iwlist and iwconfig are commonly used at the command line.

The curl utility can make HTTP requests at the command line!

By default, curl makes an HTTP GET request. You can add --request POST as a command line argument to make an HTTP POST request.

When sending HTTP POST, add --data-binary followed by the data you want to send as the POST body.

OK! Over to Grimy McTrollkins!

Thaw Frost Tower's Entrance

Grimy McTrollkins

Grimy McTrollkins

Yo, I'm Grimy McTrollkins.

I'm a troll and I work for the big guy over there: Jack Frost

I'd rather not be bothered talking with you, but I'm kind of in a bind and need your help.

Jack Frost is so obsessed with icy cold that he accidentally froze shut the door to Frost Tower!

I wonder if you can help me get back in.

I think we can melt the door open if we can just get access to the thermostat inside the building.

That thermostat uses Wi-Fi. And I'll bet you picked up a Wi-Fi adapter for your badge when you got to the North Pole.

Click on your badge and go to the Items tab. There, you should see your Wi-Fi Dongle and a button to "Open Wi-Fi CLI." That'll give you command-line interface access to your badge's wireless capabilities.

Time to finish the Thaw Frost Tower's Entrance Objective!

And now I have access inside the casino!