Howdy howdy! Mind helping me with this homew- er, challenge?
Someone ran nmap -oG on a big network and produced this bigscan.gnmap file.
The quizme program has the questions and hints and, incidentally,
has NOTHING to do with an Elf University assignment. Thanks!
Answer all the questions in the quizme executable:
- What port does have open?
- What port does have open?
- How many hosts appear "Up" in the scan?
- How many hosts have a web port open? (Let's just use TCP ports 80, 443, and 8080)
- How many hosts with status Up have no (detected) open TCP ports?
- What's the greatest number of TCP ports any one host has open?
Check out bigscan.gnmap and type quizme to answer each question.
Since if no ports are detected, the new instance of the host IP will not appear twice. So I only care about it if the Host: line appears ONLY ONCE.
Pipe the results to sort, then uniq -c to prepend a count number. I only care about it if the count is 1. So use grep again to ONLY look for a count of 1! Then get a wordcount!
Sixth (and final) question
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
elf@70ebc5c42816:~$ for i in$(grep Ports: ./bigscan.gnmap | cut -f3 -d: | sed -e 's/Ignored State//g'| sed -e 's/ //g');doecho -n $i| awk -F','"{ print NF }";done| sort -n | uniq | tail
Answer is 12! Logic here:
for i in $(...) -- Loop over the result of...
grep Ports: ./bigscan.gnmap -- Any line that mentions "Ports:"
cut -f3 -d: -- Show only field 3 when delimiting the line by :'s.
sed -e 's/Ignored State//g' -- Remove the line about "Ignored State"
sed -e 's/ //g') -- remove any whitespace
Take the results of that, then loop over each line. On each line, run:
echo -n $i -- Print the line for each loop iteration
awk -F',' "{ print NF }" -- Print the number of fields delimited by the , character
Take the results of the above loop, then...
sort -n -- sort numerically
uniq -- show only unique numbers
tail -- Only show the last 10 lines.